Duc in Altum

Dec 19 2018 5
Duc in Altum Podcast artwork

Luke’s Gospel tells the story of the fisherman, Simon Peter, who had fished all night in familiar waters, but had caught nothing. Christ commands him, “Duc in Altum,” that is, “push out into the deep and lower your nets for a catch.” Although skeptical, Peter does just as Jesus commands. Out in the deep, he catches so many fish that his nets begin to tear and his boat is in danger of sinking. Peter's astonishment is overwhelming. Christ reassures him, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men."

Peter was an ordinary man called to an extraordinary mission and who grew, by fits and starts, ever greater in the spiritual life by his ever-hopeful trust in the Lord.​

Each week, and in the style of a directed retreat, Fr. Joseph Henchey and Lisa Fortini-Campbell will delve into a different dimension of Peter's growth in faith, connecting it to the vast treasure chest of Scripture and the Magisterium to show how we, too, can move further out into the deep as we follow Christ in the path of the fisherman, our first Pope.